Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dad's So Funny

Hi all,
We just wanted to let everyone see our new home.  It's the silver one.  Needs a little work, but we'll get to it when we have time!

Mom and Dad


  1. Are those your clothes on the line?

  2. Hi Alice and Boyd, Merry Christmas. Looks like you are doing well and your still both smiling so things must being going great for you two . I love looking at your blog and reading about your mission in South Africa and all the pictures. We both look so happy doing the Lord's work and furthering the Kindom on the earth. Take care and have a Happy New Year.
    Love the Grimmetts, Doyle and Norma

  3. Hey Alice & Boyd, thanks for the email Christmas Card. We enjoyed reading about your adventures in South Africa. Garth and Mitchell were just here and we were chatting about you two and I gave them your blog address. Everyone here in California miss you and your sweet spirits. You take care and have a nice Christmas and Happy New Year. I am glad you are both enjoying South Africa. Love, the Grimmetts
